January 31, 2025

Alan Wake 2: Night Springs DLC | Review

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Spoilers Throughout

Key Takeaways

  • Three hours game length
  • Deluxe Edition upgrade price $20 (Includes all future expansions)
  • Three unique episodes starring different playable protagonists
  • Really weird and “out there” in a good, fun way
  • Not canon
  • Multiverse
  • Entertaining
  • Anthology
  • Bueatiful visuals
  • Reused areas/assets from Alan Wake 2
  • Reused gameplay mechanics from Alan Wake 2
  • Engaging and varied atmospheres
  • Combat fun | lots of ammo in Ep 1

Episode 1: Number 1 Fan

In Episode 1: Number 1 fan you play as “The Waitress” Rose who was in the original Alan Wake game working as a you guessed it, a waitress at a local diner. Rose The Waitress is on a mission to rescue her beloved writer (Alan Wake) from his twin Bad Boy brother who turns into a werewolf, along with his bike. Night Springs Gameplay Videos

Number 1 Fan was a quirky and fun episode that immediately didn’t take itself too serious. You basically run around with a auto shotgun and rifle dressed as a diner waitress blasting haters. You get a ton of ammo (on purpose I’m sure).

I did enjoy the comedy in this episode along with the quest structure of tracking down and rescuing the writer. There were no puzzles. Only action and exploring the boatyard, beach and mansion. Let’s say Number 1 Fan starts off with a short and sweet bang.

Episode 2: North Star

In Episode 2: North Star you play as Jesse Faden from Control except it’s not Jesse Faden from Control it’s “The Sibling” who is searching for her missing brother at Coffee World.

The North Star is a alien spirit who helps and commune with The Sibling while exploring Coffee World which is an area from the base Alan Wake 2 video game. The Sibling meets the Sheriff who gives her a key along with tips to survive.

You have to solve a math puzzle and battle shadows while searching for The Sibling’s brother who looks like Alan Wake. The story behind the main plot has to do with deep state mind control coffee. Episode 2 was a controlled maze of sorts. See what I did there?

Episode 3: Time Breaker

Episode 3: Time Breaker was my favorite Night Springs episode. You play as “The Actor” Tim Breaker who’s thrusted into a multiverse filled with parallel realities in a quest to kill Warlin Door aka Mr. Door with the help of “The Agent” Jesse Faden.

Time Breaker has a good mix of combat, puzzles, various locals with plenty of weirdness connecting them all together. The main gameplay mechanic is using the PRS device to jump between realities and universes. There were three retro pixel 2D, RPG-esque gameplay sequences tied into hunting down Mr.Door.

Final Thoughts on This DLC

In finality I enjoyed all three episodes of Alan Wake 2: Night Springs. They are diverse and entertaining enough albeit really short. The length I believe is for the best since it’s a anthology.

Presentation was pretty solid but I did notice some bugs like floating shadows after being killed. Saw some pop up as well. I enjoyed the stories and how they were presented.

Just a warning but if you hated those screen jumpscare sequences from Alan Wake 2 they are present in this DLC. I played this on my Xbox Series X and the visuals were gorgeous with great lighting and texture work. Sound and music were solid as well. Great voice acting performances also.

If you really loved Alan Wake 2 I say pay the $20 to upgrade to Deluxe Edition which includes Night Springs DLC as well future DLCs. That’s about it. Thanks for visiting my website. Later – Jason

Alan Wake 2: Night Springs: Three unique mind bending episodes hampered by it's short three hours playtime. Jason

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Jason Flowers
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