Release Date: December 2, 2022
Developer: Striking Distance Studios
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Mode: Single-Player Story
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
Publishers: KRAFTON, Bluehole Inc.
Genres: Survival Horror, Shooter Adventure
Introduction: Striking Distance has something on their hands with The Callisto Protocol. It had potential to be great. In my opinion, this sci-fi survival horror third person video game had potential to be a better video game than any Dead Space on it’s first outing.
Let’s hold up a minute, because The Callisto Protocol does have issues. The question I had was “how many of these issues can I ignore”. I thought this because I am actually in love with the Callisto Protocol more so than it’s potential.
But hey, I don’t rate videogames on potential, or what the future might bring to a series. I also do not rate video games based on the people who make them or what they say on social media. I’m here to play and review the video game ONLY. My choice. The Callisto Protocol is The Uncharted Drake’s Fortune of The Uncharted series…potentially. Keep reading to find out why. Now let’s get it!
Presentation: The Callisto Protocol’s presentation is a double edged sword in a few ways. It’s one of the most mind-blowingly technical achievements graphically in regards to it’s facial and character visuals. Atmosphere and graphics are also out of this world.
Music and voice acting were great. Story was better than the first Dead Space in my opinion. The issues I had with The Callisto Protocol weren’t the dodging and melee combat mechanics (I LOVED THIS). My issue is the lack of quality of life mechanics in-game. Like the checkpoint system needs to track Reforger visit and purchases. Also, there should be a checkpoint system while battling multiple Biophage.
I shouldn’t have to fight Biophages for ten damn minutes and get hit once at the ending ten minute mark then start the entire fight over again. Something else The Callisto Protocol did that grind my gears was the repetition and use of parasite blue crate attacks. Also, the Bloodworm face attack jumpscares.
It’s as if Striking Distance ran out of ideas or a budget to fill in it’s gameplay transitions with higher value encounters with the Biophage. Melee on staircases were somewhat broken mechanically as I was never was able to hit a Biophage while on the stairs.
Bossfights were created with no real fun ideas, lack of budget? or imagination. Bossfights consisted of Two-Headed Brute Biophage and Captain Leon Ferris. To defeat bosses in The Callisto Protocol just dodge once and shoot once, when it kneels over you light melee attack it two or three times. Rinse and repeat.
The bossfights were one note and easy to complete with no depth. I can promise everybody that if Striking Distance makes another The Callisto Protocol the bossfights will have that God of War 2018 to God of war Ragnarok level of improvement.
It was as if Striking Distance didn’t have the time or budget to flesh out more varied bossfights with their better ideas. Glitches and bugs were throughout the campaign in the form of parasite QTE knife sequences.
Jacob Lee would sometimes spin around through walls while knifing the annoying face hugging parasite. Design gripes were mostly bossfight related. Why have this dodge mechanic while fighting huge beasts in small hallways? It just looked and felt weird.
No doubt The Callisto Protocol has it’s issues. I’m sure I even forgot some of the other bugs, glitches and mechanical complaints. Anybody who played ANY Dead Space will not tell you The Callisto Protocol is a scary video game. That’s because The Callisto Protocol isn’t scary. I wasn’t scared once.
The Callisto Protocol lacked that psychological fear factor in my opinion. But here’s the thing. The Callisto Protocol even with all of it’s faults, I found it to be an amazing game. I adored it’s world, atmosphere, characters, gameplay, lore, story, visuals and sound design. I’ll say it again if a game or possible series has potential it’s The Callisto Protocol. Keep in mind this is Striking Distance’s first game.
Story: The Callisto Protocol’s story is made up of a few factors including Jupitor’s moon Callisto, Black Iron Prison, United Jupitor Company and most importantly the Biophage Pathogen. You play Jacob Lee played by Josh Duhamel, a space trucker who gets thrown into Black Iron Prison by accident where an outbreak ensues.
Black Iron Prison is owned by United Jupiter Company which uses the prison to conduct Biophage experiments on inmates. Jacob used to work with the United Jupiter Company. Soon after the outbreak, Jacob Lee meets another inmate Elias Porter who helps Jacob navigate Black Iron Prison but get’s killed by a biophage on Callisto’s surface midway through the game’s story.
Also midway through the story by now Jacob has met and is working with another prisoner named Dani Nakamura played by Karen Fukuhara. Dani experienced the catastrophe that happened on Europa that killed her little sister Lili. She is also a member of the Outer Way, a guerilla resistance faction.
At this point Dani knows The United Jupiter Company is behind her sister’s death on Europa which lead her to Jacob’s cargo ship who unknowingly was the one who delivered the bioweapon that killed so many people. A flashback shows Max Barrow (Jacob’s co-pilot) before his death showing concern for the delivery of the bioweapon to Jacob in a cutscene.
Jacob Lee blows off Max Barrow’s concerns as he makes the delivery on Europa that kills Dani’s sister. By the end of the game Jacob Lee comes to terms with the horrendous role he played on Europa that killed so many.
On The bad guys side of things there is Warden Duncan Cole who’s an ex Black Iron Prison employee now working for the United Jupiter Company. Warden Cole seeks a sample of a Alpha Biophage Variant.
Captain Leon Ferris played by Sam Witwer (Deacon from Day’s Gone) works at Black Iron Prison who Jacob meets early into the story. Presumed dead soon after the outbreak Ferris eventually transforms into the Alpha Biophage and ends up being the final bossfight in the Callisto Protocol.
There is an actual Callisto Protocol that Duncan Cole mentions, yet not explained in the game. Warden Cole is part of a space Illuminati of sorts. He works for a mysterious group of powerful individuals that wants the Alpha Biophage sample.
There is much more to The Callisto Protocol’s story and lore. Jacob eventually kills the Alpha Biophage Cpt Ferris and extracts a sample that Warden Cole begs for before injecting Dani with it. She was bitten by a parasite hours ago. Soon after, Jacob Lee pushes Dani Nakamura into the last escape pod saving her life from an explosion. The end!
Like I said earlier. I actually liked The Callisto protocol’s story more than Dead Space. It’s grounded sci-fi. It’s not super weird or over the top. It has a great redemption arc at the end for Jacob Lee who excepted his fate like a true space trucker. Dani Nakamura also had a nice story involving her quest to get justice for her deceased sister Lili.
Gameplay: I loved The Callisto Protocol’s core dodge, melee, shooting gameplay mechanics. I haven’t played a survivor horror game that has such visceral fulfilling, challenging combat mechanics. It sorta reminded when I played Demon’s Souls back in 2009. I was like “what the fuck is this shit?”. But soon after it clicked, and it clicked HARD.
EVERY encounter in The Calisto Protocol is a challenge. Any Biopahge minus Parasites or Bloodworms can be a challenge including Grunts, Big Mouths, The Blind, Rushers or Security Robots were engaging like Dark Souls. Not all combat is in your face either. For instance, you can stealth kill The Blind biophage because they are blind.
Tools for Jacob include Gravity Restraint projector (kinesis glove). I used this to grab and throw Biophage for environment kills. The Callisto Protocol doesn’t have a map or waypoint system which I adored. The lack of hand holding to me helped with this game’s challenge and atmosphere which I loved.
Jacob on occasion has to open security doors by finding and or replacing Gate Fuses. The gameplay loop in The Callisto Protocol is similar to Dead Space 1 with it’s backtracking on occasion etc. Reforger stations are where Jacob crafts weapons via schematics you find.
You can also upgrade Jacob’s various tools and abilities tied to weapons at the Reforger. Midway through the game Jacob acquires a cool Mass Effect looking suit that upgrades your inventory space automatically. All weapons had a distinct feeling and weight to them. The Hand Cannon, Skunk-Gun, Riot Shotgun and Assault Rife were my favorites.
There is plenty of enemy variety in The Callisto protocol. Like for instance you have the Rusher biophage which are fast quadpedals that climb walls and sneak attack you through vents and ceiling. You aslo have Big Mouths and Grunts who later on sprout tentacles you must shoot or they morph into more powerful Biophage.
The Blind sense you by sound and remind me of fighting Clickers from the Last of Us. Every enemy attacks you differently but none of that matters if you suck at dodging. Enemy variety was really good for Striking Distance’s first attempt and I had a blast killing the Biophage.
Visuals/Graphics: It’s the best looking sci-fi videogame to date in my opinion. The visuals were impressive as all hell. I played this on my Playstation 5 in performance mode. I tried some ray tracing quality mode as well and you could see a difference. But 30 frames? Nah dog, can’t do it.
Character models especially Jacob while wearing the full suit at times looked downright photo realistic in-game. I loved the down to earth art style of the biome, prison, surface and other areas throughout The Callisto protocol.
From the Snow Cat vehicles to Jacob’s Space trucker UJC Charon starship, this was pure sci-fi art. Ever watch The Expanse? The Callisto Protocol has a similar art-style just with amazing graphics. You also spend some time on Europa briefly which looked amazing.
I wished the entire game took place on Europa. It was visually stunning with it’s cyberpunk aesthetic. I’ll say it again, The Callisto Protocol to date is the best looking sci-fi video game that I played.
Sound/Music: Sound design was incredible from the distinct and different biophages to the believable voice acting it was a top notch experience. I did not use headphones just straight audio from the TV. Music was very subtle but added to tension and the feeling of despair that was Callisto.
What impressed me the most regarding The Callisto’s sound design was how it manages to follow the Biophage around the player. Biophage can hide in vents below or above you and the sound design conveyed that.
Final Verdict: The Callisto Protocol reminds me of what Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune was to Naughty Dog. A great first game with not much polish but the sequel became an instant all time classic.
Granted, The Callisto Protocol is Striking Distance’s first game so it makes it more impressive in my opinion what The Callisto Protocol has done on it’s first outing in the survival horror sci-fi gaming landscape. I adored it’s combat, world and lore of The Callisto Protocol. Watch my gameplay The Callisto Protocol Playlist. If you loved Dead Space get this.
The Callisto Protocol: I really liked this game yet it did have some faults most notably it's checkpoint system. Great visuals, characters, sound with a decent story. Loved the melee system but wanted more bang bang. Had potential to be amazing but fell short. – Jason