Release Date: November 12, 2020
Mode: Single-Player
Genres: Action-Adventure game, Fighting, Platform
Developers: Insomniac Games, Nixxes Software
Here you can watch all of my Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales gameplay videos in this gallery. Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales was a great game and in some ways was better than the bigger larger Peter Parker Marvel’s Spider-Man game because of it’s pacing and scale. Miles Morales seemed like it was more focused due to it being a smaller game.
Gameplay mixed with action set-pieces, side missions (cat) along with bossfights were highlights. You also have that Rhino stealth sequence which sucked so theirs that. The gameplay videos were captured off the Playstation 5. Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales was a great launch day game for the Playstation 5 along with Demon’s Souls. Good times!