February 28, 2025

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Review

Initial Release Date: November 10, 2023

Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows

Developers: Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games

Engine: IW, IW 9.0

Mode: Multiplayer and single Player

Composer: Walter Mair

Genre: First-person Shooter



I been playing Call of Duty since before the original Modern Warfare back in the day and must say Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) is hot dookie-water. Most of what I’ll be writing about revolves around my experience completing the “story campaign”. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) Videos

The story was lazy, rushed, convoluted with the worse gameplay sections in any Call of Duty I ever played. I did play some multiplayer i.e Zombies and 10 v 10 Moshpit which was more fun than the story campaign. Anyways, let’s get into why Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) sucks. Amazon Affiliate Link


The presentation bar has been set low with this one. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) presentation was rushed, bloated. The story campaign is only a few hours long. You can easily beat it in one sitting. More so than the short length it was a terrible campaign by modern day Call of Duty standards.

I bought the disc version of this and yet I had to download well over 100GB of bullshit. When I buy a disc with my money I just want to copy the disc to the console and on occasion deal with a short update to download. The latter is fine. Why in the hell do I have to download all these campaign packs and so many GBs separately.


The campaign’s story revolves around Vladimir Makarov trying to douse the world with sarin gas. Look I can’t even keep a straight face with the story here. Even Call of Duty Black Ops 3’s story was way better than the boring pedantic tale of terrorism.

Anyways, Soap Mctavish get’s killed by Makarov at the end. Terrible story. Terrible characters. Terrible writing. I didn’t care or feel shit while playing through this. Not worth your three and half hours. Everything felt rushed especially near and at the end. Just a convoluted mess.


I’ll start with the story campaign’s gameplay first. The campaign wasn’t really even a campaign like past CODs. You basically played on Warzone semi-open maps similar to Crysis. Problem is this ain’t no Crysis.

A good Call of Duty suppose to have linear action set-piece gameplay sequences. Linearity gameplay design which I enjoyed from past Call of Dutys always had memorable moments are completely gone here. Nothing was memorable gameplay-wise here. Nadda.

Multiplayer was better in relation to gameplay. Now I’m not one of these Call of Duty analysts so I could care less about what changes were made to the multiplayer’s core. I played some Zombies and Moshpit.

Both were somewhat fun in spades but. This shit just feels old even with the open world Zombies. Maybe it’s just me because I played dozens of CODs over the years. Something needs to change with the multiplayer. What? I do not know.


I played this on my Playstation 5 and was more visually impressed by it’s predecessor. The game looked good don’t get me wrong. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) just wasn’t striking to look at, especially with so many beautiful games having released in 2023.


Music wasn’t memorable and the writing was bad cheese, not good cheese. Nothing much to type here in the form of positivity so, that’s about it.

Final Thoughts/Score

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) wasted my time. The story campaign was short and terrible. It’s nothing like any previous COD campaigns.

I’m all for change as a gamer but when the change a is lazy rushed turd, then no thanks. At least I didn’t experience any bugs or crashes playing this. Thanks for reading and sorry if I wasted your time – Jason

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023): This is a bad video game. I do not recommend Jason

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Jason Flowers
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