Developers: Ubisoft, Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Toronto, Ubisoft Reflections, Ubisoft Paris, Ubisoft Kyiv, Ubisoft Romania
Publishers: Ubisoft, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH
Release Date: Watch Dogs; 27 May 2014
Genre(s): Action-adventure
You can view my WATCH_DOGS gameplay videos in the video playlist below. Remember the initial Watch Dogs reveal? Bad marketing Ubisoft, you knew the game didn’t look that good lol. As for me playing as Aiden Pierce on the hunt for his niece’s killers I actually liked Watch Dogs.
I enjoyed Chicago as a setting. Overall gameplay was janky but hacking was fun since it wasn’t in many open world games at the time. Overall, a good game. People bagged on Aiden Pierce but I thought he was realistic and not outrageous or infamous which fit the bill in my opinion.