Developers: RedLynx, Ubisoft Kyiv
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows
Mode: Single-player
Genres: Racing Platform
Composer: Power Glove
Initial Release Date: June 13, 2016
Publisher: Ubisoft
Here is the place you can view all of my Trials of the Blood Dragon gameplay videos. Do you remember this game? Ubisoft gave this game away as a free download via their 2016 E3 event.
So I downloaded it and made a few videos. Trials is a physics based motorcross game akin to Excite Bike that I played back in the 1980’s on my NES as a kid. Blood Dragon was a Far Cry expansion that was really good.
Far Cry Blood Dragon starred 80’s Terminator action hero Michael Biehn. If you’re generation X like moi you know who he is. Anyways, for a free game, Trials of the Blood Dragon was pretty good. You have the physics based gameplay of Trials mixed with Blood Dragon’s presentation. Win, win!