Developer: Ready at Dawn
Release date: February 20, 2015
Platform: PlayStation 4
Composer: Jason Graves
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Mode: Single-player Campaign
Genres: Third-Person Shooter, Action-Adventure
You can view all of my The Order: 1886 gameplay videos in the video playlist below. Do you remember The Order: 1886? Great premise plagued with bad execution in regards to it’s gameplay. For the record I liked The Order:1886.
It’s just a shame Ready at Dawn left so much on the table for this IP. In The Order: 1886 you play as 19th century semi immortal secret knights Grayson – Sir Galahad (main protagonist), Sebastian Mallory – Sir Perceval, Isabeau D’Argyll – Lady Igraine, Marquis de Lafayette – Sir Perceval.
Your job is to extinguish werewolves and vampires throughout London. Featuring some of the best visuals for the Playstation 4 at it’s time. But like I said, bad execution in regards to it’s gameplay. Too many QTEs and jank gameplay mechanics to be considered a great video game – Jason