Release Date: September 2, 2022
Composer: Gustavo Santaolalla
Developer: Naughty Dog
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Genres: Action-Adventure Third Person Shooter
Platforms: PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows
Series: Sony The Last of Us Series
Introduction: Today I review the Citizen Kain of videogames in The Last of Us Part 1 now revamped from the ground up for the Playstation 5. This game is more like the movie The Road in my opinion. Just saying. For me, The Last of Us Part 1 isn’t new. I played this game for the first time in 2013 launch day on the Playstation 3.
The second time was The Last of Us Remastered version back in 2014 on the Playstation 4. I love Naughty Dog. I respect Naughty Dog. Naughty Dog is a favorite developer of mine. But for $69.99 The Last of Us Part 1 Playstation 5 is on some bullshit! Now that I got that off my chest I can really get into it’s review.
Going in you know I played and beaten The Last of Us Part 1 which makes three times now. Below you’ll read what I think of the Playstation 5’s version of this masterpiece and if it’s worth your money. So as the saying goes, Endure and Survive!
Presentation: The Last of Us Part 1 for the Playstation 5 might actually have the most noticeably, albeit, not serious technical issues out of the three versions of The Last of Us that I played. For reference, I played the digital downloadable version on Playstation 5.
Level of Detail pop-in is the only real issue that I noticed. Supposedly, it’s a streaming issue? Technically, The Last of Us Part 1 ran on Playstation 5 almost flawlessly. On occasion I saw weird Ellie clip detection issues when encountering with Joel. Infected and humans would rarely freeze and float along with guns after fights.
The latter is more of random typical video game shit than a problem or real glaring issue in my opinion. Asides of the LOD pop-in, technically this game ran great on my Playstation 5. I played The Last of Us Part 1 on performance mode the entire playthrough which is said to be dynamic 4k and 60 frames per second.
I didn’t notice any framerate dips just the occasional LOD issues I mentioned earlier. Now that I am typing this, I wished I at least tried out the high quality setting. Stupid me, I should of had a V8! All I can say is that the performance mode was a great experience visually and technically. I’m a FPS guy over extra effects bells and whistles.
Story: The story of The last of Us Part 1 is about a world infected with a Cordyceps fungal brain infection (virus) that turned the population into “infected”. The protagonist is Joel Miller who knows what it’s like to lose everything important to him in a world filled with strife.
Anyways, Joel gets tasked with helping a 14 year old girl named Ellie Williams across the USA from Boston to Utah. Ellie Williams is the only known human being to not get infected with the Cordyceps brain infection. The Fireflies, a renegade militant group is tasked with helping scientists in Utah reverse engineer a cure ending the world’s pandemic.
The Last of Us Part 1 is the ultimate tale of survival, sacrifice, loss, love and continuing to go forward in life. Replaying The Last of Us Part 1 reminded me of how perfect the story was for a videogame. I wrote videogame not book. I wrote videogame not movie. Let’s continue.
Gameplay: The Last of Us Part 1 has a new revamped AI system for Ellie as well human NPCs and infected enemies alike. AI overall is much improved as I noticed how much faster I was forced to get out of cover and change my tactics.
Ellie now moves more realistically while enemies are around at NOT being seen and avoiding them more realistically. If you never played any The Last of Us games it’s a third person cover shooter at heart. You do have choice in regards to playing stealth where you can use a bow or stealth kill melee enemies. You can also distract enemies by using bottles or bricks.
I personally play The Last of Us “loud” meaning shoot-bang! I prefer to shoot my enemies. Weapons include El-Diablo, Shorty, Pump Shotgun, AR, Pistol, Revolver, Flamethrower and Hunting Rifle amongst others. All weapons feel unique and are fully customizable by collecting metal scrap and upgrade tools. Crafting on the fly is very important in regards to in-game combat gameplay.
At anytime in-game you can craft much needed bombs or health packs while behind cover while taking fire. Scavenging the environment allows you to collect materials for crafting. Furthermore, you can upgrade Joel’s abilities and base stats like health and or reduced weapon sway. There are plenty of options when upgrading Joel weapons and gear.
Visuals/Graphics: This game is a looker at dynamic 4K 60 frames per second. Like i alluded to earlier in this article I wish I at least tried the quality mode once. But oh well. The Last of Us Part 1 really shows it’s visuals during the Bus Depot Chapter in Utah under sunlight.
Cutscene models are high quality and literally zoom out when over into gameplay models seamlessly. The Last of Us Part 1 is a beautiful game visually and technically. As I write this I can’t say this version looks much better than The Last of Us Part 2. The Last of Us Part 1 Playstation 5 does look somewhat better however.
If nothing else the upgraded revamped visuals were worth it just not for $69.99 worth it. Do you know what has benefited from the upgraded visuals the most? Atmosphere. The atmosphere and brutality is on another level in The Last of Us Part 1. When Joel strangles a human or infected you don’t forget their faces. It looks that good.
Gore is more detailed and heightened at times making me feel gross while chopping up infected or humans. I get it, the game wants you to connect to what you’re doing. Blowing off limbs from shotgun blasts was grotesque and detailed. The lighting adds more to the gameplay elements. The snow levels, dark dank sewers, every setting in this game was visceral due to the upgraded visuals.
Sound/Music: I did not use 3D Audio while playing this so sorry. The music and audio were great in the Last of Us Part 1 PlayStation 5. From Joel and Ellie’s voice actors to the sounds of the Clickers. You get engulfed in-game just from the sounds of the infected alone. Sound seems to bounce off objects in game.
Wow for technology am I right? The soundtrack was a beautiful yet a brutal symphony of fear, sadness and exhilaration. The guitar strums as Joel and Bill push Ellie to kickstart the truck is a perfect example. It’s a life and death situation yet the music was slow, calm yet serious as hordes of infected converge on the vehicle. So yeah, stellar sound design and a soundtrack that encapsulates the high quality of The Last of Us.
Final Verdict: If you want to watch all of my gameplay videos visit The Last of Us Part 1 Video Gallery Playlist. Done interlinking. Anyways, so yeah, the price was the only main gripe, obvious detraction that knocked my score down to a 8/10. Otherwise, it would be higher. Wait for a price drop before buying this people. Later – Jason
The Last of Us Part 1 Playstation 5: I can only play this game so many times. Yes it was a masterpiece back in 2013. But at this point I am tired of playing it's remasters. – Jason