I know this article appears like a straight up grift “message” designed to signal boost my website. It is! Nothing brings me more joy than humans watching my gameplay videos all day long so I can make more of that sweet sweet ad money. I’m joking…..kinda.
The reality is at least for me, is that I’ve been watching video game gameplay videos and trailers since the late nineties into the early 2000s. So yea, this shit started way before the JVGS brand became a thing.
As the saying goes, this “shit”‘s in my blood, my essence sort to speak. After all, I did make tens of thousands of video game gameplay videos. Enough about that. I want to give the masses a few reasons why I think watching gameplay videos is important in general as it pertains to the gaming space.
- To get an idea for a particular game’s “feel” Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Perfect Dark, Resistance, Half Life and Killzone are all first-person shooters right? Yet they all feel different when you play them. Over time, I was able to tell how a game might feel by watching gameplay videos. I can watch Halo gameplay and see that it’s more floaty as compared to Call of Duty which is more laser sharp and snappy.
- Don’t blindly trust the developer’s gameplay presentation pre-launch goes without saying. Remember Cyberpunk 2077 prior to launch? Remember how little of the console versions they showed prior to launch? Always pay attention as to what isn’t being shown when developers showcase their gameplay to the public.
- To see a particular game’s graphics. You are able to get a good idea at a game’s visuals before you buy it. I know Digital Foundry and pixel counters love dissecting new trailers and gameplay tech. Watching gameplay videos can help everyone get an idea of a game’s art direction, it’s visuals as well it’s frame rate to a certain extent.
- To see the “direction” and atmosphere of new video games. I’ll use Resident Evil 6 and 7 for this point. You remember when you first seen Resident Evil 6‘s gameplay? The direction and atmosphere shifted to more of an action game. After watching Resident Evil 7‘s gameplay you saw the new direction the franchise was headed. The atmosphere returned but the series is now first person.
- Entertainment Self explanatory really. Just look at the streaming culture in general. It’s huge. Most viewers/fans of streamers watch the person playing the game and not so much for the gameplay I suppose. It’s just entertainment in today’s world.
Anyways, that’s about it I guess. Below you can watch hundreds of my Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077 and Helldivers 2 gameplay. Thanks for stopping by. Later – Jason
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