Release Date: December 2, 2022
Developer: Striking Distance Studios
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
Publishers: KRAFTON, Bluehole Inc.
Genres: Survival Horror, Shooter, Adventure
As I play through The Callisto Protocol and read what gamers and reviewers have to say on the internet about it’s difficulty I decided to write this guide because two things. 1. The Callisto Protocol has some of the best melee gameplay in any survival horror game I ever played.
And 2. It seems gamers just don’t know how to dodge in The Callisto Protocol. If you aren’t in the mood to read check out my gameplay video below. For reference this guide is for the PS5 version. Okay, “let’s do this” like Carmine from Gears of War.
Dodging: STOP telegraphing the Biophage’s attack patterns. All that matters is that you choose A dodge. It does not matter the direction you start the dodge. It just matters that you start out holding your analog stick in any dodge position.
You can choose to start out your dodge right or left. The KEY is to alternate dodges AFTER that FIRST dodge (whatever you choose). NEVER dodge consecutively the exact same way. Always alternate dodges and you won’t get hit. I don’t care if the Biophage swings at you four times in a row. Never dodge the same way twice!
Melee: You always want to melee swing after you do a clean dodge. The Stun Baton is upgradable where you can add a powered up heavy attack swing (slow wind up though). You can also modify the Stun Baton so you can swing faster with your default swing. Visit the reforger to upgrade Jacob’s Stun Baton’s melee abilities.
Blocking: To block on consoles pull and hold the left analog stick back/down. Block early and often. It takes rhythm and practice. Keep in mind when block attacks you still take some damage. Once again, the reforger is your friend and their are blocking counter attack abilities you can unlock that work well against Biophages.
Shooting: I only have the Hand Cannon as I write this. Always aim for the head but more importantly always try and execute the Strategic Targeting System on Biophages as it acts as a finisher that deals massive damage compared to regular shots. After you melee attack enough look for that little icon on the Biophage.
Gravity Restraint Projector: Or commonly known as the GRP is basically the Kinesis glove from Dead Space. But unlike Dead Space the GRP is crucial to survival on Callisto. You can upgrade the GRP’s damage and cooldown time. I use the the GRP to grab and throw Biophage of all types into environmental hazards for instant kills that I demonstrate in the gameplay video below.
Use The Environment: Piggybacking from above, if you want instant Biophage kills use the GRP glove to grab and throw Biophage into spike walls, into grinding machines, or off walkways for instant kills. There is no faster way to kill Biophage in the Callisto Protocol then using the environment around you. Stealth kills aren’t as consistent or easy to pull off.
The video below takes place during Chapter 3 Aftermath in the SHU where I believe the first real challenge of The Callisto Protocol takes effect. It’s the early “git good” sequence.
In a nutshell, you have to survive waves of Biophage while not getting killed. I used my tips from above to survive this battle on normal difficulty. Also, heal in-between waves. I guess that’s about it for my The Callisto Protocol Tips and Tricks Guide. thank you for reading – Jason