July 2, 2024

Stellar Blade (Ex Project EVE) Playstation 5 Console Exclusive Announcement Story Gameplay Trailer – State of Play Sept, 2022

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Today’s State of Play 9/13/2022 been bringing the heat further dropping a trailer for the previous announced Project Eve title now turned Stellar Blade. Stellar Blade is being called a Playstation 5 console exclusive by Sony as seen in the trailer below.

Stellar Blade is a third person action adventure game developed by Shift Up Second EVE Studio. Now that I got the formalities out of the way I can talk about the trailer some. It starts off with a ship landing on a ruined city named Xion home to 100,000 people back in it’s hay day. We meet Eve, Adam and Lily soon after.

At this point, I can tell Stellar Blade is a current gen game just from the in-engine cutscenes. Looks really good visually. The action looks fierce like Devil May Cry level fierce. Eve battles huge native creatures of all types on planet Xion saying “I Was Born To Do This!” to Lily. I wonder who the cyberpunk old man is who pleads with Eve to “save us this time?”.

Release date says 2023 in the trailer which is good. I personally really started to love third person action games when I first played Devil May Cry back on the Playstation 2. Stellar Blade looks good judging from the trailer. Eve has a katana and guns and knows how to use them with style. I also like the Binary Domain-esque world art.

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Jason Flowers
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