Stellar Blade is upon us as are a copious amount of Nanosuit outfit designs to dress the beautiful, sexy Eve. Below are some gameplay videos I made while playing through Stellar Blade showcasing various outfits I thought complimented Eve’s appearance. Some fun, some conservative, some sexy.
In this article I will show you how to get some of Eve’s best outfit designs. I myself had fun doing side quests, finding and purchasing outfits for Eve. Is that weird for a Gen X straight male?
You can unlock Eve’s outfit designs a few ways. You can either find them while out exploring the various maps such as in the wasteland, great desert and or Eidos 7 in chests. Another way is to do side quests in Xion for Roxanne and Lyle who are both merchants.
Purchasing items from venders can net you attribute points which in turn unlocks more purchasable outfits for Eve such as the Cybersuit, Denim Suit and the Moutan Peony outfits. Just make sure to do quests associated with Roxxanne and Lyle for attribute points.
Furthermore, doing main quests can also unlock more Eve outfits. Just make sure you search. Some are secret locations. For instance, while in the wasteland I encountered a powerful Corruptor and upon defeating it I searched the area to find the popular Holiday Rabbit Bunny Suit. Video below.
In the side quest “Precious Treasure” you can get the Blue Monsoon bikini for Eve. Some say this is the sexiest outfit for Eve in Stellar Blade. My video below guides you to Eve’s Blue Monsson design.