Mode: Multiplayer and Single Player
Genres: Platformer, Roguelike, Indie
Developers: Mossmouth, Blitworks
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Cloud Gaming, Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X and Series S
Here you can watch all of my Spelunky 2 gameplay videos in this nice video gallery. Spelunky 2 is the sequel to the indie rogue platformer Spelunky…..obviously. I understand Spelunky 2 is a good game made of quality however I did not enjoy what I played. The gameplay wasn’t fun for me. I also didn’t appreciate the art-style either.
What I did love however was the sound design and music so there’s that. Rogue-likes and I have a love hate relationship. I enjoy rogue games that are called Hades and Returnal the most. Spelunky 2 however just didn’t do it for me unfortunately. Thank you for reading – Jason