Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
Developers: Rebellion Developments, Wushu Studios
Genres: Shooter game, Adventure game, Adventure
Publishers: Rebellion Developments, Fireshine Games
Series: Sniper Elite
Engine: Asura
- More of the same
- I liked Harry Hawker “Whatever it Takes”
- Short campaign if you focus solely on main objectives
- Loadout customization in-between missions
- Solid stealth gameplay
- Good enemy AI
- Collision bugs/weirdness/sticking to objects
- Played on Xbox Series X via Gamepass
- I did not play multiplayer
- Kill Cam still gory fun
- I only played through the campaign
- I didn’t play any coop, invasion or multiplayer
My history with the Sniper Elite franchise started with Sniper Elite 3 which I thought was really good as it introduced me to the series. I would eventually complete Sniper Elite 4 and 5 as they released. Sniper Elite: Resistance Video Playlist
Sniper Elite: Resistance is a seven hour DLC featuring Harry Hawker which is okay because that’s pretty much what I got out of it. It’s more of the same which isn’t the best for me as I’m burnt out on it’s main gameplay mechanics at this point.
If you played any of the past three Sniper Elite campaigns you played Resistance to some degree. You have a seven hour campaign where you have objectives you have to complete. There’s coop, multiplayer and invasion modes.
My main complaint had to do with Sniper Elite: Resistance’s collision stickiness. Walking around anything crouched you almost always get stuck on an object. Not to mention Harry would get stuck over a tiny rock crouched on the battlefield. Jank is there but I can’t say it’s more than previous Sniper Elites I’ve played.
You play British soldier Harry Hawker of the SOE who works with the French Counter Rebellion to take out some Nazis! Inglorious Bastards Flashback sorry. Your goal is to stop the Nazis from using a super train with dirty bombs attached.
Third person stealth with the option to go Rambo center around Sniper Elite: Rebellion’s core gameplay mechanics which are good even with it’s jank. Collision detecting stickiness sucks mind you. Kill Cam can now be activated by shooting any weapon.
In between missions you can unlock skills for Harry Hawker for three different skill trees. Weapons felt pretty good especially the high powered rifles. Enemy AI was good but also hit and miss even while using Harry’s ghost ability.
Visuals | Tech
I played this on my Xbox Series X via Gamepass. Sniper Elite games aren’t visually impressive to me. Resistance looks just like Sniper Elite 5 or worse judging past and present games. What can I type? This game was ugly at times.
Sound | Music
Sound design plays a big part into core gameplay mechanics from sound masking gunfire to hearing Nazis through walls etc. Music is standard WW2 fair. Performance acting you had Harry Hawker with his “Whatever It Takes” line. Meh. Nothing stood out here either.
Sniper Elite: Resistance: It's more Sniper Elite just with Harry Hawker. I'm burned out on Sniper Elite as a franchise. With that said, if you currently love this franchise you will probably like this Sniper Elite also. – Jason