March 19, 2025

Sleeping Dogs | Video Playlist

Publishers: Square Enix, Feral Interactive

Developers: United Front Games, Eidos Interactive, Feral Interactive

Designer: James Agay

You can view all of my Sleeping Dogs gameplay videos in the video playlist below. Underrated is all I can type. It’s such a damn shame we never got a sequel to one of the better open world video games that I had the pleasure of playing through.

Sleeping Dogs is about an undercover police officer, Wei Shen on a quest to take down the Chinese Triad in contemporary Hong Kong. I am just a fan of Sleeping Dogs period. Enjoy the gameplay below and sign up to comment. Thanks for visiting – Jason

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Jason Flowers
Hello all. Welcome to Jason's Video Games Source! JVGS is a independent art and entertainment video game website linked to my decade old plus verified Youtube channel featuring tens of thousands of video game gameplay videos made entirely by yours' truly. I created jasonsvideogamessource.com in 2022 due to Youtube demonetizing my largest gaming channel after nine years of work. It's remonetized now if you care. Feel free to spread JVGS's content around the net in video game communities where allowed. I am NOT a video game journalist or influencer. I do this all for the love of video games and money. Furthermore, my original content has never been sponsored by any corporation. This site isn't going anywhere. Thank you for visiting JVGS - Jason

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Avowed | Video Playlist