June 24, 2024

SILENT HILL 2 Remake, SILENT HILL f, SILENT HILL townfall and SILENT HILL Ascension Announcement Trailers

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Konami held their SILENT HILL Transmission stream today 10/19/2022 announcing updates to their Silent Hill franchise. As a guy who played through Silent Hill: Origins, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3.

All I can say is, about damn time! Konami been missing somewhat from the videogame side of things since letting Kojima walk a few years back. Looks like they’re back! Today we got announcement trailers for the upcoming Silent Hill 2 remake, Silent Hill f, Silent Hill: townfall and Silent Hill: Ascension which you can view all below.

First up we have Silent Hill 2 remake developed by Bloober Team. Bloober Team makes pretty much nothing but AA psychological horror games. Silent Hill 2 remake showcases current gen visuals in the trailer as it should since it’s currently being developed for the Playstation 5 and STEAM that also has one year exclusivity. You can even wishlist it right now. Go! Go! Go!

2001’s Silent Hill 2 was an amazing horror game for it’s time. I remember playing through this game while taking full credits at UWM and working full time. I had to finish it and I did. Bloober Team, it’s all in your hands now. I liked what I saw of what little it was in the trailer. Please, just be good!

Up next we have Silent Hill f which is set in 1960’s Japan featuring a whole new story written by Ryūkishi07 and developed by Neobards Entertainment. What I saw in the trailer and what little I know about Ryukishi07 points to Silent Hill f being a psychological horror game.

Neobards Entertainment is a Taiwanese developer who I know very little about. I have high hopes and can’t wait to see some gameplay of Silent Hill f in the future. Silent Hill townfall announcement trailer plays audio of an suppose interrogation being played through a 1980’s pocket TV.

Silent Hill townfall has my interest piqued because it shows almost nothing. Well, it shows texts and has “live” tied to the game. Silent Hill townfall is being published by Annapurna Interactive and developed by No Code. I have a feeling this Silent Hill won’t be your typical Silent Hill.

Last but not least we have Silent Hill: Ascension being developed by Genvid, Bad Robot Games, dJ2 Entertainment and Behavior Interactive. I gather this could be like a hybrid videogame with full motion video type deal. Not my cup of tea if it is that. If it’s like The Quarry or similar it’s a deal. Either way, more Silent Hill for us.

So yeah, Silent Hill is back!

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Jason Flowers
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