July 2, 2024

Prodeus Early Hands On Impressions

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Initial Release Date: 2020

Engine: Unity

Developer: Bounding Box Software Inc.

Mode: Multiplayer and Single Player

Platforms: Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5

Publishers: Humble Bundle, Bounding Box Software Inc., Humble Games

Prodeus is a sprite retro-teched-out first person metal shooter akin to DOOM. Off the bat, since I don’t believe in wasting people’s time I’ll say now that Prodeus is a great game from what I played so far. It’s funny because I pretty much hate games that I played back in the late 80’s aka “retro”.

Prodeus changed all of that due to it’s amazing gameplay and atmosphere. If you played DOOM 2016 and or DOOM Eternal those are great games correct? You can add Prodeus to the same list. I admit I don’t know the history behind Prodeus nor do I give a shit because what I have played (half the campaign) has been stellar.

This is why since I was a kid I loved videogames. You can always be surprised by a game you never heard about. I saw Prodeus on Xbox Series X Gamepass two days ago and the rest is history. Thank you Gamepass! Okay so why am I in love with Prodeus after just two days?

It’s because the gameplay and atmosphere is exhilarating very similar to DOOM. The visuals for some reason or another are pleasant to look at. You have gore, demons, great maps and great weapons. Oh yeah, I am only writing about the single player campaign here. Prodeus is metal and carnage induced in a retro-tech first person package I haven’t played before. It’s different from DOOM aesthetically.

Prodeus is all speed and gore. Rip & Tear pixelated on steroids. Campaign centers around a world map that acts as a central hub. The hub contains a store, challenge missions, story missions and side missions. The pacing so far and mechanic introductions (mainly new weapons) has been good.

Story missions range from you recovering colored keys for doors, opening demonic portals, or fixing a train etc. But let’s not forget the main show is the slaying of chaos demons of all varieties. You have zombies of different levels and so much more.

You have chaos demons like the Slayer, Lunger, Bloater and Fiend etc. Enemy variety up into half-time have been a knock-out so far. You have to switch weapons and think a-little when taking down different enemies like DOOM 2016/Eternal. Also, be fast about it! Fun and fast are the two best words I can use to describe Prodeus’s gameplay.

I want this article to be short since I plan on finishing Prodeus in full and write a corresponding review article. All I can tell you is this. This is on gamepass PC and Xbox Console right now. If you dig DOOM download this game. Also, go into the options and tweak the game for your playstyle. It helps immensely. Thank you for reading – Jason

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Jason Flowers
Hello all. Welcome to Jason's Video Games Source! JVGS is a independent art and entertainment video game website linked to my decade old verified Youtube channel featuring tens of thousands gameplay videos made entirely by yours' truly. I created jasonsvideogamessource.com in 2022 due to Youtube demonetizing my largest gaming channel after nine years of work. It's remonetized now if you care. As a lifelong gaming enthusiast I felt it was time to start my own gaming website. Feel free to spread JVGS's content around the net in video game communities where allowed. I am NOT a video game journalist. Furthermore, JVGS has never been sponsored by any corporation. I run my own Google Adsense and Amazon affiliate links via my personal accounts here. This site isn't going anywhere. Sign up via your social login account. It's free. I'll never grift people on my website. Thank you for visiting JVGS - Jason
