Engine: Proprietary Engine
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Mode: Multiplayer Coop
Genre: First-Person shooter
Series: Overwatch
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
Introduction: Overwatch was a game upon launch six years ago I’d put dozens and dozens of hours into it. I played it frequently pretty much up untill Doomfist was added. I tried Doomfist for a match and soon after left Overwatch up until this week pretty much.
Now we have Blizzard’s free to play sequel Overwatch 2 upon us. With a Watchpoint Battle Pass for sell for $39.99. This review will cover what I played of the player versus player multiplayer aspect of Overwatch 2.
I played more than 30 full matches as of today 10/5/2022 even with the launch day log in issues due to Blizzard and those DDOS attacks. I tried most of the modes except Competitive. I also tried out many of the heroes as well. Keep reading to find out if Overwatch 2 is better than Overwatch 1. Let’s get it!
Presentation: Launch day issues were some bullshit. DDOS attacks along with Blizzard’s rollout was garbage for a solid 24 hours. It took a good 24 hours before I was able to log in and out with consistency. I mean, I expected issues on launch day with a FTP Overwatch 2 by Blizzard. Just not giving anybody a pass here.
Many Overwatch 2 players apparently still have issues with merging cross progression accounts. I was able to record and upload a video of me doing just that today 10/5/2022 on my Playstation 5. My account is currently in queue. Guess I was lucky?
I had quite a few connection drops and rubber-banding in game sequences during a few matches today. Once again I know the game. However, won’t give Overwatch 2 a pass here. More so than anything I am angry at the DDOS attacks for the fact I had issues logging in for a good 24 hours.
Story: I am reviewing the Multiplayer PvP here. Why am I thinking about Winston’s game start up CGI cutscene? Anyways, from what I read the story of Overwatch 2 has to do with something or another about an Omnic uprising. Isn’t Zenyatta a Omnic? I honestly have no clue why i am even writing this.
Gameplay: Gone are the days of 6v6 unless you play Arcade Mode in which they have some special 6v6 matches. Now it’s 5v5 as a base gameplay team mechanic for matches. The difference for me comparing 6v6 to 5v5 is that 5v5 as a solo player you have more hope and opportunity to exact change in matches if your team sucks.
I remember 6v6 in the first Overwatch albeit fun it was chaotic and it didn’t matter who you played as no one player is going to make a huge difference alone. I already been in matches where I myself have made big differences alone.
As an example today I played an Arcade Payload match. I switched to Reinhardt about half way through. Anyways, heres the video Overwatch 2 – Arcade Circuit Royale Map: My Reinhardt 14 Player Killstreak Player of the Game! With a healer at my six my Reinhardt went on a 14 player killstreak and was made player of that match. For the win!
Matches seem more focused now. A good team can annihilate a bad team faster. Matches are a-little shorter overall as well. I am playing on performance mode on my Playstation 5 for reference. I played with most of the heroes. There are like 35 of them I think? Only ones I haven’t played are Widowmaker, Torbjorn, Bastion, Zarya, Junkrat, Hanzo, Genji and Reaper.
I have played the new heroes and I like all of them. Junker Queen is a good tank support hybrid hero who causes bleeding. Sojourn is heavy attacker much like Soldier 76 who has a Railgun and can slide launch jump into the air. Kiriko can be a really good healer/buffer once you start getting her rhythm down throwing her talismans.
If you were wondering my main is Reinhardt. But I do love playing with any hero. I discovered a few heroes I never seen or played before but really like such as Sigma, Wrecking Ball, Moira and Ashe. I missed all of these late add-ons from the first Overwatch.
Gameplay to me is better overall compared to the first Overwatch. It’s weird feeling this way trust me. I put in DOZENS of hours into the first Overwatch and only played Overwatch 2 for 24 hours. Truth is, it doesn’t take a gamer long to know what they like. I like Overwatch 2’s gameplay just a tad more than it’s predecessor.
I played a few game-modes including Unranked Payload and Assault. Every main game-mode I played so far seemed decent along with the maps. We will always love and hate certain game-modes but design-wise I have no real gripes. I am just saying none stuck out as being garbage..so far atleast.
I played a few of the new maps including Blizzard World during a Arcade FFA match. I also played on Paraiso, Colosseo and Circuit Royal today. All beautiful, different with tight choke point locations.
Visuals/Graphics: Art is great. Colors are more vibrant with an extra kick! Graphics on Playstation 5’s performance mode are good enough. There is also a quality mode I haven’t tried yet. From jumping to last gen consoles to current gen DUH it looks and runs better.
Sound/Music: I really enjoyed the music on the title screen where it showcases the new heroes. Music in-game is responsive and gives that hero vibe like the first Overwatch did. Hero dialogue sequences pre-match are funny to listen to. Really good sound design and music. I have no complaints.
Final Verdict: Overwatch 2 was marred with a shitload of connection issues for it’s first 24 hours. However, when I got in, I had a blast. It’s a shame Overwatch 2 did not launch with it’s PVE as promised.
Honestly, I am shocked at how much I don’t care about the PVE yet and how much fun I am having with the PvP. Oh yea, another thing I hated was the fact I had to give Blizzard my phone number to play this game. That’s BULLSHIT! I will write a another review for the PVE aspect when that releases in 2023.
Overwatch 2 PvP: I had a lot fun at launch with Overwatch 2 but soon-after moved on. – Jason