March 10, 2025

Overwatch 2 PvP Review

Engine: Proprietary Engine

Developer: Blizzard Entertainment

Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment

Mode: Multiplayer Coop

Genre: First-Person shooter

Series: Overwatch

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows

Introduction: Overwatch was a game upon launch six years ago I’d put dozens and dozens of hours into it. I played it frequently pretty much up untill Doomfist was added. I tried Doomfist for a match and soon after left Overwatch up until this week pretty much.

Now we have Blizzard’s free to play sequel Overwatch 2 upon us. With a Watchpoint Battle Pass for sell for $39.99. This review will cover what I played of the player versus player multiplayer aspect of Overwatch 2.

I played more than 30 full matches as of today 10/5/2022 even with the launch day log in issues due to Blizzard and those DDOS attacks. I tried most of the modes except Competitive. I also tried out many of the heroes as well. Keep reading to find out if Overwatch 2 is better than Overwatch 1. Let’s get it!

Presentation: Launch day issues were some bullshit. DDOS attacks along with Blizzard’s rollout was garbage for a solid 24 hours. It took a good 24 hours before I was able to log in and out with consistency. I mean, I expected issues on launch day with a FTP Overwatch 2 by Blizzard. Just not giving anybody a pass here.

Many Overwatch 2 players apparently still have issues with merging cross progression accounts. I was able to record and upload a video of me doing just that today 10/5/2022 on my Playstation 5. My account is currently in queue. Guess I was lucky?

I had quite a few connection drops and rubber-banding in game sequences during a few matches today. Once again I know the game. However, won’t give Overwatch 2 a pass here. More so than anything I am angry at the DDOS attacks for the fact I had issues logging in for a good 24 hours.

Story: I am reviewing the Multiplayer PvP here. Why am I thinking about Winston’s game start up CGI cutscene? Anyways, from what I read the story of Overwatch 2 has to do with something or another about an Omnic uprising. Isn’t Zenyatta a Omnic? I honestly have no clue why i am even writing this.

Gameplay: Gone are the days of 6v6 unless you play Arcade Mode in which they have some special 6v6 matches. Now it’s 5v5 as a base gameplay team mechanic for matches. The difference for me comparing 6v6 to 5v5 is that 5v5 as a solo player you have more hope and opportunity to exact change in matches if your team sucks.

I remember 6v6 in the first Overwatch albeit fun it was chaotic and it didn’t matter who you played as no one player is going to make a huge difference alone. I already been in matches where I myself have made big differences alone.

As an example today I played an Arcade Payload match. I switched to Reinhardt about half way through. Anyways, heres the video Overwatch 2 – Arcade Circuit Royale Map: My Reinhardt 14 Player Killstreak Player of the Game! With a healer at my six my Reinhardt went on a 14 player killstreak and was made player of that match. For the win!

Matches seem more focused now. A good team can annihilate a bad team faster. Matches are a-little shorter overall as well. I am playing on performance mode on my Playstation 5 for reference. I played with most of the heroes. There are like 35 of them I think? Only ones I haven’t played are Widowmaker, Torbjorn, Bastion, Zarya, Junkrat, Hanzo, Genji and Reaper.

I have played the new heroes and I like all of them. Junker Queen is a good tank support hybrid hero who causes bleeding. Sojourn is heavy attacker much like Soldier 76 who has a Railgun and can slide launch jump into the air. Kiriko can be a really good healer/buffer once you start getting her rhythm down throwing her talismans.

If you were wondering my main is Reinhardt. But I do love playing with any hero. I discovered a few heroes I never seen or played before but really like such as Sigma, Wrecking Ball, Moira and Ashe. I missed all of these late add-ons from the first Overwatch.

Gameplay to me is better overall compared to the first Overwatch. It’s weird feeling this way trust me. I put in DOZENS of hours into the first Overwatch and only played Overwatch 2 for 24 hours. Truth is, it doesn’t take a gamer long to know what they like. I like Overwatch 2’s gameplay just a tad more than it’s predecessor.

I played a few game-modes including Unranked Payload and Assault. Every main game-mode I played so far seemed decent along with the maps. We will always love and hate certain game-modes but design-wise I have no real gripes. I am just saying none stuck out as being garbage..so far atleast.

I played a few of the new maps including Blizzard World during a Arcade FFA match. I also played on Paraiso, Colosseo and Circuit Royal today. All beautiful, different with tight choke point locations.

Visuals/Graphics: Art is great. Colors are more vibrant with an extra kick! Graphics on Playstation 5’s performance mode are good enough. There is also a quality mode I haven’t tried yet. From jumping to last gen consoles to current gen DUH it looks and runs better.

Sound/Music: I really enjoyed the music on the title screen where it showcases the new heroes. Music in-game is responsive and gives that hero vibe like the first Overwatch did. Hero dialogue sequences pre-match are funny to listen to. Really good sound design and music. I have no complaints.

Final Verdict: Overwatch 2 was marred with a shitload of connection issues for it’s first 24 hours. However, when I got in, I had a blast. It’s a shame Overwatch 2 did not launch with it’s PVE as promised.

Honestly, I am shocked at how much I don’t care about the PVE yet and how much fun I am having with the PvP. Oh yea, another thing I hated was the fact I had to give Blizzard my phone number to play this game. That’s BULLSHIT! I will write a another review for the PVE aspect when that releases in 2023.

Overwatch 2 PvP: I had a lot fun at launch with Overwatch 2 but soon-after moved on. Jason

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Jason Flowers
Hello all. Welcome to Jason's Video Games Source! JVGS is a independent art and entertainment video game website linked to my decade old plus verified Youtube channel featuring tens of thousands of video game gameplay videos made entirely by yours' truly. I created jasonsvideogamessource.com in 2022 due to Youtube demonetizing my largest gaming channel after nine years of work. It's remonetized now if you care. Feel free to spread JVGS's content around the net in video game communities where allowed. I am NOT a video game journalist or influencer. I do this all for the love of video games and money. Furthermore, my original content has never been sponsored by any corporation. This site isn't going anywhere. Thank you for visiting JVGS - Jason

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