You know you’re getting old when video game remakes are popping up year after year. I look at it like music and movies. I also look at it as a form of flattery. Some ideas are immortal, yet, just maybe be improved upon by some other talented individual or team.
It may not be original with all remakes but in rare cases a remake can be better than the original due to it being modernized (at least in video games). So without further adieu here are my TOP 5 best video game remakes going into 2023. As the saying goes, let’s get it on!
#5 Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Let’s be clear, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is not better than it’s original counterpart. 1997’s Final Fantasy 7 was one of the games that made me fall in love with turn based Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs). What Final Fantasy Remake did accomplish was it’s own thing which was really good.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake is modern, beautiful, more fleshed out and alive than the original. Final Fantasy 7 Remake featured action based combat gameplay set in a third person perspective. Cloud also had a personality with a raging attitude which I enjoyed. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a great game in my opinion. It’s just not nearly as impactful as the first was for me.
#4 Demon’s Souls Remake
Don’t tell me you already forgot about one of Playstation’s greatest launch titles? That’s right, Demon’s Souls. The game that spawned Dark Souls and it’s brethren Bloodborne.
Demon’s Souls Remake was practically a 1:1 Remake except for a few quality of life improvements along with gameplay mechanical improvements which helped the player. Featuring a stunning visual presentation Demon’s Souls did flex in the visual department on the Playstation 5.
You have multiplayer just like the original. This was a remake that played it safe in my opinion. No new content. I wanted that broken Arch-gate playable, oh well. Regardless, Demon’s Souls was an amazing remake that kickstarted the Playstation 5.
#3 Dead Space Remake
Dead Space Remake is how you modernize a game while adding quality of life changes to make a better overall product. Let’s not forget Dead Space was a survival horror classic two generations ago. Now featuring overhauled visuals making the Ishimura and Necromorphs look extra menacing and terrifying..
Voiced dialogue of Isaac Clarke who all of a sudden became fleshed out. You had side missions involving Nicole Brennan. Interconnecting trams, no loading while traveling on the Ishimura made Dead Space Remake almost an original game. Almost…
#2 Metroid Prime Remastered
Granted, I didn’t play a ton of the original Metroid Prime but my god the controls!! I hated the original’s. Fast forward to 2023 with Metroid Prime Remastered on the Nintendo Switch.
My god! The controls were amazing with a plethora of different alterations. Controlling Samus will never be better than this game. Updated visuals along with it’s modernized controls makes Metroid Prime Remastered better than it’s GOAT predecessor in my opinion.
#1 Resident Evil 4 Remake
Resident Evil 4 Remake is the best remake of any video game ever created up till it’s release. It’s 2023 GOTY material and it’s how you do video game remakes full stop. I loved the original Gamecube Resident 4.
But man, I’d be lying if I didn’t say the Remake wasn’t better overall. Gone are the tank controls. In place modernized third person shooting with CQC parrying, counters and finishers *Chef’s Kiss
Atmosphere, suspense, challenge, humor, boss fights, characters being more fleshed all go to the Remake in my opinion. Everything felt great gameplay-wise in Resident Evil 4 Remake. The king is back baby! And that about wraps up my Top 5 Best Video Game Remakes List. Thank you for stopping by – Jason
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