March 13, 2025

Mortal Kombat 1 Kampaign Story Review

Initial Release Date: September 14, 2023

Platforms: PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows

Developers: NetherRealm Studios, Shiver Entertainment, QLOC, Saber Interactive Inc.

Mode: Multiplayer and Single Player

Composer: Wilbert Roget, II

Genre: Fighting

Publisher: Warner Bros. Games

Spoilers Throughout!


My history dealing with Mortal Kombat goes back to it’s first arcade game released decades ago. How we got to the point of story campaigns within Mortal Kombat video games is beyond me till this day. If you want to skip the review and watch gameplay check out my Mortal Kombat 1 Video Playlist.

Due to time constraints, the story mode is all I’m reviewing in regards to Mortal Kombat 1. The last Mortal Kombat story I beaten was Mortal Kombat 11 which is the prelude to Mortal Kombat 1’s new revamped multiverse timeline.

Right off the bat, I enjoyed Mortal Kombat 1’s Kampaign (it’s pronounced). Mortal Kombat 1’s overall story was really easy and fluid to follow. It’s a cohesive new telling of past and present Mortal Kombats. Anyways, so without further adieu, let’s start the review of MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!!


The story campaign is laid out across a multitude of acts and chapters centered around specific characters old and new. Depending on the chapters you could complete them in twenty to forty minutes. There are fifteen chapters in total culminating in a five to six hour playthrough for me.

Mortal Kombat 1’s Kampaign was really solid. It’s a retelling for the entire franchise. Think timelines and multiverses. As for it’s technical presentation as well performance I played Mortal Kombat 1 on my Playstation 5 and it’s looked and ran great. No bugs to report whatsoever.


The main crux of Mortal Kombat 1’s story continues off from Mortal Kombat 11’s where Liu Kang became keeper of time and space taking over Cronika’s position. Liu Kang would eventually disavow his time powers to rewrite Earthrealm, Netherealm and Outworld’s realities.

Near the end of the campaign Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat 11 tred to merge all timelines and universes into his for absolute power. Betrayal, deception, action, humor are all in Mortal Kombat 1’s story campaign.

Despite characters being totally rewritten and changed many from evil to good and vice versa the story remained cohesive. I enjoyed Outworld the most as it was the most changed from a dark evil setting to a more vibrant realm of good.

There were so many stories within the main story here. You had Sub-Zero’s betrayal involving Scorpion and Smoke. You had Kenshi’s sword, Sento awakening. You had Mileena’s sickness. Reptile’s family being killed by Shang Tsung.

Johnny Cage losing is star power but regaining it back. Jerrod returning from the dead to reunite with Sindel who dies in his arms. The realms themselves even had stories all of their own. All of the above was laid out is a cohesive manner to boot.

Let me tell you the final Dark Shang Tsung fight sequence was straight out of Avengers End Game. You had thousands of Mortal Kombat fighters of good and evil battling it out for survival from past, present and future iterations. It was a hell of a spectacle that even let you choose any fighter in the game to boot. I choose Kenshi.


Mortal Kombat 1’s gameplay is solid. Now for the record I’m no fighting game master. I’m one of those guys who loves playing fighting video games but possess no real skill. I suck!

So yea, in regards to starting Mortal Kombat 1 I did complete a few of the tutorial sections like Frame Data and Upward Blocking which helped me for the Kampaign.

Mortal Kombat 1 features a robotic more calculated approach to say Street Fighter 6 which is more floaty and fast paced. In the Kampaign you are thrusted into specific character arcs and having to play with said character for like thirty minutes a pop.

Some characters I needed more time to learn their moves-sets like Sindel for instance. Others such as Kenshi I gravitated to right off the bat. There are “Test Your Might” QTE gameplay sequences like when I had to smash a door with Baraka to escape a gassed room.


This game is gorgeous. Mortal Kombat 1 has these cool cutscenes that zoom in and out detailing character’s facial animations and textures before and after fights. I played this on my Playstation 5 and it seemed as if everything was in game real time visually.

Artwork was solid with great texture-work and animation work in fights. Particle effects with special attacks were also stunning. Overall, I put Mortal Kombat 1 at the top of best looking fighting games I played in 2023.


The music wasn’t memorable at all. There’s nothing that stood out to the point I could explain. No epic musical moments or anything of that sort. Furthermore, with so many voiced fighters in the Kampaign none stood out to me for whatever reason. Some dialogue was funny however.

Tips and Tricks

If the Kampaign matches are too difficult for you lower the difficulty to easy mode. I did so I could beat the Kampaign in one sitting and write this review you’re reading now.

Mortal Kombat 1’s Kampaign is entertaining and should be enjoyed whether you want a challenge or not. For “Test Your Might” QTE sequences Track & Field those buttons ASAP then press the corresponding button prompt.

Final Thoughts/Score

Mortal Kombat 1’s Kampaign is a serviceable albeit fun retelling for the Mortal Kombat universe as a whole. The gameplay is solid and visuals are through the roof on the Playstation 5. The story campaign isn’t long lasting about six hours.

I have no problem saying Mortal Kombat 1’s campaign was way more entertaining than Mortal Kombat 11’s. Thank you from reading and make sure to create a free account an comment. – Jason

Mortal Kombat 1 Kampaign: An okay reimagining of Mortal Kombat 1. Jason

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Jason Flowers
Hello all. Welcome to Jason's Video Games Source! JVGS is a independent art and entertainment video game website linked to my decade old plus verified Youtube channel featuring tens of thousands of video game gameplay videos made entirely by yours' truly. I created jasonsvideogamessource.com in 2022 due to Youtube demonetizing my largest gaming channel after nine years of work. It's remonetized now if you care. Feel free to spread JVGS's content around the net in video game communities where allowed. I am NOT a video game journalist or influencer. I do this all for the love of video games and money. Furthermore, my original content has never been sponsored by any corporation. This site isn't going anywhere. Thank you for visiting JVGS - Jason

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