Series: Metroid, New Play Control!
Genres: Action-Adventure, First-Person Shooter, Platform
Developers: Nintendo, Retro Studios, Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development, Nintendo Research & Development 1
Mode: Single-player
I played the original Metroid Prime on launch day back in 2002. Unfortunately, I was taking a full load at The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and working full time when I loaded it up in my Gamecube. I literally arrived on Tallon when I had to stop and drive up to the Kalahari Resort for the weekend. Metroid Prime Remastered performance was rock solid throughout my playthrough.
Since then, I never gotten a good chance to play Metroid Prime until recently with the Remaster. Hey man, everything happens for a reason and it seems like I am playing the best version of Metroid Prime on the Nintendo Switch in 2023.
For reference I’ve only put a few hours into Metroid Remastered with that said it’s damn impressive. First off no more tank controls (hated those in the original). There are so many control schemes but I choose the dual analogue sticks.
I haven’t tried any other controller scheme. Right off the bat, when Samus Aran arrives at the Space Station I noticed the visual overhaul and it was VERY noticeable. So I jumped in, scanning the environment, solving puzzles and battling Space Pirates eventually defeating the Parasite Queen.
After dying way too many times trying to escape the Space Station I arrive on Tallon V (looked beautiful). After collecting the Rockets and Morph Ball upgrades I started hunting for Chozo Ruin Artifacts. Anyways, I really love this game in 2023.
I know it sounds odd loving a game made just over twenty years back (I am NOT an nostalgic gamer) but hey what can I say? The puzzles, the combat, the Metroidvania exploration and most important of all.. the atmosphere. I love the feeling of being alone on Tallon V as Samus Aran.
On a side note back when I was in fourth grade (1987) I beaten the original Metroid and was freaked out and excited to see a woman being revealed after beating Mother Brain. As a young boy I thought it was special and it was. I’ll never forget that feeling. Now back to 2023.
So yeah Metroid Prime got 10/10 scores back in 2002. I can also see why Metroid Remastered got some 10/10, 9/10 with this newly released remaster despite the long interval. It’s a brilliant game in regards to puzzles and atmosphere exploration. Take into account the various controller options it’s the best version to play period.
Metroid Prime Remastered has great music and sound design. I love the sci-fi ambiance of just walking around in the rain while exploring Tallon V. It’s relaxing in a weird way. What I don’t like are the respawning enemies.
Enemies respawn way too damn fast. I mean hell, I haven’t played these type of backtracking games like I use to. Anyways, just too many respawning enemies. Thank God the combat and controls are great now. Anyways, gotta go FIGHT CLUB! – Written by Jason not chatGPT
Metroid Prime Remastered: just as good as the original now with better controls – Jason