January 24, 2025

Metroid Dread 2022 Retrospective

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Mode: Single-Player Video game

Genres: Action-adventure game, Shooter Game, Metroidvania

Developers: Mercury Steam, Nintendo Entertainment Planning & Development

Platform: Nintendo Switch

Publishers: Nintendo, Nintendo of Europe GmbH, Nintendo of America Inc.

Let me preface this article by stating that in 1987 I played a game on my NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) called Metroid which ended up being to this day within my top five most influential videogames I ever played. Imagine growing up in 1987 being a 9 year old boy after defeating Mother Brain and getting to the game credits you find out you been playing as woman the entire time.

Remember boys hated girls at that age. At age nine I thought it was actually cool. I am just an open minded human, always have been. Anyways, it’s something that I’ll never forget. This blog needs more Nintendo love and some much deserve gushing over over Metroid Dread. That is why I decided to write this article.

What made Metroid Dread great was it’s atmosphere. Like most Metroid games that were great you have this feeling of isolation. Metroid Dread was different. Although after Samus lands on planet ZDR she is greeted by and defeated handily by Raven Beak who is the final boss of the entire game.

After a brief cutscene isolation and exploration is all there is. After I turning twenty for some reason or another I rarely played 2D platformers. Just after forty now Metroid Dread simply reminded me why 2D platformers should still exist after decades and decades being a part of the gaming market landscape.

After I getting acclimated to the Nintendo Switch joypad the gameplay clicked hard. Gameplay is so crisp, precise and accurate in Metroid Dread. I was saying “okay” while playing as if I was one with the game. Use The force Luke! I felt it! I felt the “it” factor playing Metroid Dread.

The platforming sections that took some skill felt so rewarding. Metroidvania elements in Metroid Dread were also rewarding finding power ups and secret passages evolving into much needed shortcuts. Visually Dread looked good but that was pretty much all artsytle. Lets me take that back, bossfights did look visually impressive on the Nintendo Switch.

Looking back on Metroid Dread’s release it was scheduled inbetween multiplatform games Far Cry 6, Back 4 Blood and Guardians of The Galaxy this past October 2021. To Metroid fans I’m sure only Metroid matters and I get that.

Personally, Metroid Dread was up there for my GOTY so it doesn’t matter clout-wise. Also quality will always matter the most to me. I just want to play great games. Maybe I just wanted Metroid Dread to get more credit/clout. But that’s life. Thank you for reading – Jason

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Jason Flowers
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