March 11, 2025

Metal Gear Survive Video Playlist

Release Date: February 20, 2018

Engine: Fox Engine

Series: Metal Gear

Composer: Karin Nakano

Developers: Konami, Konami Digital Entertainment, Konami Computer Entertainment Studios, Inc.

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows

Genres: Survival Shooter Adventure

Here you can view my Metal Gear Survive gameplay videos in this playlist. I was angry as shit while playing through this game a few years back due to the Konami and Hideo Kojima split. In the end it seems to have worked out for both parties involved.

As for Metal Gear Survive I actually liked it. It’s a good game. It’s no where near the quality of Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid games. The story was all kinds of odd which I sorta expect from Metal Gear. Metal Gear Survive had a straight up Lovecraftian giant god monster arriving through portals story.

Third person survival gameplay sums up Metal Gear Survive’s story. You have to eat and drink to stay alive. You craft outposts to farm materials for crafting items and weapons. You have missions and quests which have specific objectives.

You do have weapons like guns and spears. Cutscenes were pretty weird. If you always been a fan of Metal Gear but hate Konami or Kojima or whatever. Just play Metal Gear Survive. I bet you’ll enjoy it somewhat.

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Jason Flowers
Hello all. Welcome to Jason's Video Games Source! JVGS is a independent art and entertainment video game website linked to my decade old plus verified Youtube channel featuring tens of thousands of video game gameplay videos made entirely by yours' truly. I created jasonsvideogamessource.com in 2022 due to Youtube demonetizing my largest gaming channel after nine years of work. It's remonetized now if you care. Feel free to spread JVGS's content around the net in video game communities where allowed. I am NOT a video game journalist or influencer. I do this all for the love of video games and money. Furthermore, my original content has never been sponsored by any corporation. This site isn't going anywhere. Thank you for visiting JVGS - Jason

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