Release date: September 1, 2015
Developers: Kojima Productions, Konami Digital Entertainment
Engine: Fox Engine
Designer: Hideo Kojima
Mode: Multiplayer and Single Player
You can view my Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain gameplay videos in the video playlist below. I go back with Metal Gear Solid since the 1980’s when I first played Metal Gear on my NES. I was in the 5th grade then and actually hated that game. I too young to appreciate it.
Fast forward to Metal Gear Solid on the Playstation. Let’s just say I thought it was a GOAT-tier game. From then on, the rest is history. Metal Gear Solid V featured Kiefer Sutherland starring as Snake. Had a large promotional campaign.
It was a huge game at the time yet I had mixed feelings about it. I think the latter stems from knowing the future and the fact Metal Gear Solid V takes place in the past. Either way, Metal Gear Solid V was a really good game – Jason