Release Date: April 30, 2021
Mode: Single-Player
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: BioWare
Genres: Action Role-Playing, Adventure, Third-Person Shooter
Here you can watch 526 gameplay videos of Mass Effect Legendary Edition in gallery. I was able to complete Mass Effect Legendary Editions 1 and 2. Also, I was able to start Mass Effect 3 but couldn’t finish.
I really wanted to hit that 1000 gameplay videos for Mass Effect Legendary Edition but other games eventually took hold. The videos below were captured on the Playstation 5 for your information.
As for the game itself it’s Mass Effect. It’s the golden standard in sci-fi video games two generations ago. I been wondering if gamers still complain about Mass Effect 3’s ending?
Personally, I didn’t like the ending either but never cried about it. Play another game and move on I always say. I would rate the Mass Effects as follows: 2 closely followed by 1, 3 and Andromeda. I hope Bioware really knocks Mass Effect reboot out of the park.