January 23, 2025

Judas Announcement Trailer The Game awards 2022 – Bioshock In Space?

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Judas is the first game being developed for release by Ghost Story Games. If Judas seems recognizable it’s because it’s directed by Ken Levine the creator director of the Bioshock series. I know, I know the trailer said as much.

On a side note, I beaten Bioshock 1 twice, Bioshock 2 twice and Bioshock Infinite once. I know the Bioshock games well which is why Judas has some Bioshock DNA in it obviously. However, Judas in the end will end up being it’s very own experience aside from past Bioshock games. Mark my words.

Did you see any Big Daddies or Big Sisters? I didn’t think so. Joking aside, I really liked what I saw in the Judas trailer below. How do I get back to Earth is the question now. Not how do I get back to Earth’s surface.

You can wishlist Judas right now and good news since it looks like it’s a current gen only game. Judas is releasing on the Playstation 5, Xbox Series consoles, STEAM and The Epic Games Store. Can’t wait!

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Jason Flowers
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