March 25, 2025

Indiana Jones and The Great Circle | Review

Initial release date: December 9, 2024

Platforms: PlayStation 5Xbox Series X and Series SGeForce NowXbox Cloud GamingMicrosoft Windows

Developer: MachineGames

Engine: id Tech 7

Genres: Action-adventure gamePuzzlePlatform gameFighting gameAdventure

License: proprietary license

Composer: Gordy Haab


  • One of the best games from MachineGames
  • Loved the 80’s movies as a kid
  • First person Uncharted. Uncharted is actually based on this series
  • Visceral hand to hand combat
  • decent traversal
  • Good puzzles
  • Emmerich Voss was great
  • Indy was great
  • Gina was great
  • Good visuals
  • Whip Crack
  • Fun exploration and tomb raiding
  • Disguises and stealth fun
  • Various locals and settings
  • Good action set-pieces
  • Entertaining story
  • Troy Baker portraying Indy was GOTY worthy


Being a child in the 1980’s Indiana Jones’ movies encapsulated some of my fondest memories growing up. The adventure, the humor, the bad guys and of course Indy! Indiana Jones and the Great Circle by MachineGames best know for the recent Wolfenstein games (which are great) really nailed Indiana Jones’s aura and energy.


Indiana Jones and The Great Circle is a globe trotting fun first person adventure game with humor, great antagonists a decent story involving Noah’s Ark. Oh did I mention giants were involved? MachineGames crafted a solid video game here with minimal bugs or glitches. it plays well.

I played this via Gamepass on my Xbox Series X and was impressed by the fidelity with sixty frames gameplay. Analyzing it’s overall presentation makes it a solid title in this regard. You have some agency in regards to quests and how you approach them via costumes. Useful tools, fun tombs to explore it’s all here pretty much.


The story takes place in 1937 where Nazi Fascists are globe trotting the planet in hopes of unlocking the Great Circle via multiple relic compass pieces’. You guessed it! Only one man can stop the Nazi’s and i’s Indiana Jones along with Gina. Gina is a journalist whos searching for her missing sister who’s tied to the Great Circle and Nazis.

Along the way Indy encounters a giant played by Tony Todd (RIP) and the hilarious Nazis Emmerich Voss and Viktor Gantz as antagonists. Friends of Indy Marcus Brody and Father Antonio Morello flesh out the story. I thought the story was solid for a Indy video game. The story is better than the most recent films if I’m being honest.


First person action adventure. The game takes place around the world featuring semi-open hubs where you accept missions (some more linear than others). The game can take well over a dozen hours to complete with side content. You can find and unlock costumes for blending in certain areas.

Indy’s weapons, health etc and tools can be upgraded over time. Mission variety ranged from collecting relics to helping natives of the particular area. Cutscenes flesh out the story and world building.

Exploring tombs and ruins was really fun and visceral. Some tombs require you to solve puzzles which were interesting and challenging at times. A few puzzles were easy so there’s that.

Map design for stealth as well melee combat were designed really good for the most part. There were times in tombs where I would get confused at which way to progress. The whip was great and served as a get out of jail free card when you get surrounded by Fascists.

Gun play wasn’t the best and alerts all surrounding fascists in the vicinity. There are a small variety of guns to use at times when need be. To upgrade Indy visit the Medical Doctor of each map by collecting Med Vials.

Visuals | Art

Technically and visually Indiana Jones and The Great Circle looked great. I’m not a pixel counter and my eyes are over 40 years old. The cutscenes featuring Indy at the prologue almost matched the opening of the old movie.

Sound | Music

Troy Baker’s portrayal of Indiana Jones was so good I legit got confused when I started the game. I thought it was Harrison Ford I was listening to at first. Then it dawned on me I didn’t hear about Harrison Ford working with this game directly. So yeah, Troy Baker should have won the voice acting award at The Game Awards.

Indiana Jones and The Great Circle: Personifies what Indiana Jones was to me growing up in the "80's". Grandiose adventure, humor and great performances throughout it's campaign. I really enjoyed my time with this. And it's on Gamepass. Jason

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Jason Flowers
Hello all. Welcome to Jason's Video Games Source! JVGS is a independent art and entertainment video game website linked to my decade old plus verified Youtube channel featuring tens of thousands of video game gameplay videos made entirely by yours' truly. I created jasonsvideogamessource.com in 2022 due to Youtube demonetizing my largest gaming channel after nine years of work. It's remonetized now if you care. Feel free to spread JVGS's content around the net in video game communities where allowed. I am NOT a video game journalist or influencer. I do this all for the love of video games and money. I never been sponsored by any corporation to do anything with my brand. This site isn't going anywhere. Thank you for visiting JVGS - Jason

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