The decade plus wait is over. GTA VI trailer is now a reality. So let’s unpack the trailer. We can see the protagonist Lucia being featured heavily in GTA 6’s first trailer showing her in what looks like her leaving a correctional prison facility.
Lucia replies “bad luck I guess” when answering to her Parole Officer. Next, “Rockstar Presents” pops on screen showing various locals throughout Southern Florida including Miami, South Beach the glades etc.
GTA 6 official trailer is a solid start just like GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2 prior to it. The GTA VI trailer Rockstar doesn’t show a whole lot in their first trailer for their mega huge titles but instead just enough to get the juices flowing and the mind racing. I thought the trailer did what it was suppose to do. Get fans hyped.
It did the latter for me at least. Back to the trailer, we get to see Jason (Lucia’s boyfriend or husbando?) in the trailer. Jason seems more of a complimentary piece in this trailer more than anything. We get the “Trust” dialogue sequence between the both of them while in bed.
I expected GTA VI to be the benchmark for open world games visually and judging from the first trailer with over a year away from release looks like I was correct on my assumption. GTA 6 will only look better visually as it’s release date closes in which I’d assume could be the first quarter of 2025? We’ll see.
Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer 1 gave me that sign of the times vibe like GTA V did. The car twerking IG model pretty much says it all. The song featured in Rockstar’s new Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer is none other than Tom Petty’s “Love Is a Long Road”. Stay tuned for more news and trailers of Grand Theft Auto VI here. Later – Jason