Developer: Sucker Punch Productions
Modes: Multiplayer and Single-player
Genres: Role-playing, Stealth, Fighting Action-adventure Game
Here you can watch hundreds of my Ghost of Tsushima gameplay videos. If you have a Playstation 4 and or 5 and haven’t played Ghost of Tsushima stop reading this and go buy this game NOW! What I remember most about my Ghost of Tsushima playthrough was the art within it’s presentation, the emotion of a few story related sequences and it’s combat gameplay.
Ghost of Tsushima is one of those games that nails most things it’s trying to accomplish with the player. I loved this game personally. There is DLC and a multiplayer mode as well.
Granted, I haven’t haven’t even played the Playstation 5 version of GoT. I bet it’s beautiful as all hell. Ghost of Tsushima brought out all of my Samurai and Ronin fantasies into a videogame. So if nothing else get the game for that. The fantasy of being a samurai – Jason