Fire Emblem: Engage is the next in-line main Fire Emblem tactical role-playing game that has a scheduled release date of January 20, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch. Fire Emblem: Engage introduces us to new protagonist Alear a Devine Dragon of royal blood who awakened after 1000 years.
The trailer below shows snippets of story driven cutscenes and tactical role-playing game gameplay sequences. Asides of Alear in combat you can see characters named Vandor attack with his iron axe. Also shown in combat are Etie, Framme, Louis, Chloe, Alfred and Sigurd.
Being a new fan of Fire Emblem after completing Three Houses as House Edelgard I am quite hyped for any new mainline Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem: Engage judging from this trailer has all of the ingredients in place. Now we wait for January 20, 2023.