Initial release date: February 29, 2024
Platform: PlayStation 5
Publisher: Square Enix
Mode: Single-player video game
Awards: The Game Award for Most Anticipated Game
Nominations: The Game Award for Most Anticipated Game
Genres: Fighting game, Action role-playing game, Adventure game
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is one of gaming’s most anticipated titles releasing in 2024. With Sony’s State of Play 2/6/2024 dedicated to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth along with it’s demo drop I was able to play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – Fall of A Hero In Nibelheim.
I already played through the OG Final Fantasy 7 back in 1997 so I have a good idea what Square Enix is attempting to engineer with Rebirth in terms of game direction. After completing the Fall of A Hero In Nibelheim I must say I am impressed.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake was really really good. Maybe it’s just me, but I have a feeling after completing Rebirth’s demo Final Fantasy Rebirth will improve upon Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – Fall of A Hero In Nibelheim – as Cloud tells it, tells his story in flashback sequences when him and Sephiroth returned to Cloud’s home town Nibelheim.
The demo does a great job at presenting Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth in a vertical slice with a meaningful gameplay telling of one of Final Fantasy 7’s most memorable sequences. Square Enix is going all out with Rebirth and in a good way. From it’s visual, sound, gameplay and story it’s all AAA if the demo is anything to go by.
If you happened to play through the original FF 7 you undoubtedly remember how and when Sephiroth learned about Project Jenova at a Mako Reactor at Mount Nibel overlooking Cloud and Tifa’s hometown Nibelheim Village. The story in the demo is basically the same just told with a AAA 2024 coat of paint with different angles.
Cloud and Sephiroth are SOLDIER. A group of top tier warriors sent to find out why an old Mako reactor is malfunctioning. Cloud retells this story to Barret, Tifa, Aerith in the present as you play in flashback sequences. I loved how the story was presented in this demo. It felt accurate, true and updated.
The demo has over a dozen gameplay tutorials throughout Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – Fall of A Hero In Nibelheim. When approaching the Mako Reactor at Mt Nibel with Sepheroth. You fight as Cloud and or Sepheroth with switching enabled.
Initiating combat, Using ATB commands, Limit Break, targeting, blocking, avoiding damage, switching combat modes are just a few gameplay mechanics you will experience in this demo. Enemies in the demo included Insecticoids, Kyuvilduns, Velociwings, Zu as well a boss fight with a Materia Guardian. Tutorial mechanics are presented as you fight said enemies.
Settings are a plenty as you explore. You have Nibelheim Village, Shinra Mansion, Mt Nibel, Mako Reactor, Mako caves, cliffs, bridge etc. AAA action set-pieces and cutscenes are sprinkled within exploration and the game’s combat gameplay. The demo takes an hour and a half give or take.
Visuals | Graphics
I played this mostly on performance mode and graphics mode. I did the roll test with Cloud to see how smooth the frame rates were. In graphics mode there was slow down with hitches when Cloud rolled.
Performance mode was solid sixty frames. Judging from the demo it’s an easy choice, go with Performance Mode when Rebirth releases. I mean yea, the game looked a little better in the quality graphics mode sure. BUT!
It’s just not worth the frames in my opinion. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – Fall of A Hero In Nibelheim running on the Playstation 5 looked amazing viaually. The art. The tech. The textures and lighting. It’s a upgrade over Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
Sound | Music
Some voiced dialogued in regards to NPCs was odd with that said the main voice actors were good. Sephiroth showed a human side to him interacting with Cloud prior to losing it. Barret, Tifa, Cloud were all solid. The orchestra tunes were pure “Final Fantasy”. Really enjoyed the music in these video games. The demo did not disappoint.
Final Thoughts | Score
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – Fall of A Hero In Nibelheim demo is a great hour and a half slice of a monumental flashback sequence in Final Fantasy 7 showing Sepheroth’s plunge into madness. The story was told is a captivating way.
Gameplay was fun. Visuals were stellar as was the music. This demo had a great combination of exploration, combat, cutscenes and action set-pieces. If the final Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is 50 – 100 hours of this, gimmie gimmie gimmie!!