Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Initial Release Date: November 29, 2012
Developers: Ubisoft Montreal, Massive Entertainment
Engine: Dunia 2, Dunia Engine
Mode: Multiplayer and Single Player
Writers: Jeffrey Yohalem, Lucien Soulban
You can view all of my Far Cry 3 and Far Cry: Blood Dragon gameplay videos in the video playlist below. What a treat I have for you. Both games were captured via my Playstation 3 years ago which is why they look like shit.
Far Cry 3 follows frat boy Jason Brody on a quest to find his missing bro. Vaas Montenegro was the antagonist of Far Cry 3 who was delightfully insane and I thought was too good of a protagonist for Far Cry 3.
Now Far Cry: Blood Dragon was an absolute blast and channeled my 1980’s childhood years in a great way. You Play Rex Power Colt and if you didn’t know is played by Terminator’s Michael Biehn who’s a legend if you grew up during the 80’s. In a nutshell, you kill robot dinosaurs. That’s is all I have to type – Jason