March 10, 2025

Evil West Video Playlist

Initial Release Date: November 22, 2022

Developer: Flying Wild Hog

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Publisher: Focus Entertainment

Mode: Multiplayer Coop and Solo

Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows

Genres: Third-Person Shooter Role-playing Adventure Game

You can watch my Evil West gameplay videos in this playlist at your leisure. Evil West is a linear spaghetti western themed third person high octane action game. You play as Jesse Rentier a special agent who’s out to kill monsters, vampires and all sorts of creepy crawlies.

Evil West’s dialogue is “80’s” cheese with super fun PS3, Xbox 360 inspired retro game design and atmosphere. Evil West isn’t some pretentious “I’m special, innovative, look at me, wannabe game”. Evil Dead is pure gameplay fun.

Hell, pretty much everything besides it’s gameplay is kinda bad and cheesy. But it’s gameplay is fun as hell that harkens back to the PS2, PS3, Xbox and Xbox 360 days! If you feel like reading my early impressions for Evil West check out Evil West Early Impressions. Enjoy the gameplay and thanks for visiting Jason’s Gaming Blog!

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Jason Flowers
Hello all. Welcome to Jason's Video Games Source! JVGS is a independent art and entertainment video game website linked to my decade old plus verified Youtube channel featuring tens of thousands of video game gameplay videos made entirely by yours' truly. I created jasonsvideogamessource.com in 2022 due to Youtube demonetizing my largest gaming channel after nine years of work. It's remonetized now if you care. Feel free to spread JVGS's content around the net in video game communities where allowed. I am NOT a video game journalist or influencer. I do this all for the love of video games and money. Furthermore, my original content has never been sponsored by any corporation. This site isn't going anywhere. Thank you for visiting JVGS - Jason

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