Here you can watch my Elden Ring Playstation 5 gameplay videos in this gallery. Elden Ring will win many GOTY awards in 2022. This is Hidetaka Miyazaki’s magnum opus afterall. Story worked on by George R.R Martin.
I been playing these types of From Software titles starting with the Playstation 3’s Demon’s Souls. Elden Ring is simply the culmination of all of Miyazaki’s ideas from previous games rolled into a polished Elden Ring.
Elden Ring to me is masterclass in open world emergence and gameplay design. The mix of gameplay mechanics combat-wise into it’s open world is the best I played to date.
The intricate side stories evolving memorial NPCs like Blaide, Alexander, Sellen, Boc, Thops, Bernahl, D, Corhyn, Melina, Renna, Fia the list goes on and on. As I write this I am starting to hear the thunderous game start up title screen music. If you played the game I bet you hear it as well.
I need to calm down. One of these days I will write a comprehensive Elden Ring review. This is a gaming great and deserves all of the clout it’s gotten. If I ever get free time I will return to the Lands Between. After all I am only on NG+. The adventure is just beginning. Also please bring DLC to Elden Ring. Thanks for reading – Jason