Release Date: August 3, 2004
Mode: Single Player
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows and More
Developer: id Software, Activision, Timothee Besset
Here you can watch a few DOOM 3 gameplay videos I made in gallery. The videos below are running backwards compatible through Xbox Series X In case you’re interested. I made so few videos due to time constraints. Time constraint means I wanted to play something else. The videos below shows the arrival of Hero, cutscenes and gameplay (including Pinky).
DOOM 3 is a classic by all accounts. It’s also a DOOM game gamers have had mix feelings about. Some love it, some didn’t like it so much. Personally, I played DOOM 3 way too late. I played the last two recent DOOMs before DOOM 3. So to me, it isn’t fair to rate DOOM 3. I will say for a game that’s approaching 20 years old it looks amazing.