Initial release date: June 4, 2024
Mode: Multiplayer video game
License: proprietary license
Composers: Michael Salvatori, Paul McCartney, Skye Lewin, Michael Sechrist, Pieter Schlosser, Josh Mosser
Developer: Bungie Inc.
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
Publisher: Bungie Inc.
You can watch all of my Destiny 2: The Final Shape gameplay videos via my youtube playlist below. It’s been a long ass ten years with Destiny 2. I played every expansion. Spent countless hours on strikes, crucible and seasonal content updates.
After playing The Final Shape I honestly felt relieved it was over, well almost over. Since the Witch Queen expansion I haven’t had fun with Destiny 2. I really hope Bungie pulls a magic move with Destiny 3 or whatever they are cooking up.
I say this as a person who loved the OG Destiny. Maybe it’s just GAAS burnout on my end but I hope Bungie returns to single player first, first person shooter like Halo. That’ll do it. Later – Jason