Initial Release Date: February 28, 2023
Genres: Shooter game, Adventure game
Platforms: PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
Series: Destiny
Publisher: Bungie Inc.
Developer: Bungie Inc.
Destiny 2 Lightfall is the culmination of the Light versus Dark saga spanning multiple Destiny 2 seasons and expansions centered around the Traveler and The Witness. If any of you followed my YT channel back in the day I made hundreds of Destiny 1 vanilla videos from the start. I am a vet. Just sayin.
Which is why it sorta pains me to say Lightfall was a letdown overall. I wasn’t impressed with Lightfall’s story or it’s new Strand subclass all that much. Cloud Striders NPCs and Neomuna City are different in design and appearance but still. Not impressed. Maybe I am getting tired of the sponge enemies in the series also. Keep reading please.
Destiny 2 Lightfall follows Bungie’s normal polish and presentation high standard which is S Tier. You have stellar CGI cutscenes, solid snappy gameplay like always in Destiny 2. Lightfall introduces a new subclass called Strand. I played Lightfall on my Playstation 5 as my Titan class for the know.
If you played any Destiny 2 expansion you do get quality. But quality doesn’t mean the story is going to be good. It doesn’t mean your overall experience will be great either. Prices are too high for Destiny 2 expansions in my opinion. Lightfall was $49.99.
I only have time to play through the main campaign. It’s just not worth $49.99 to play eight missions and a Strike that’s short in length. I know but end game. Believe me I know what GAAS games are and Destiny 2’s seasons but still. This ain’t worth no damn $49.99 as a add on.
As for technical issues I didn’t encounter any of note. It was a pleasant experience logging in and playing through the campaign. I explored Neomuna doing random side activities with fellow Guardians. If you can except the spongey enemies gameplay can be solid.
Lightfall follows the story of Calus (Emperor of the Cabal) and The Witness who seeks The Traveler’s powers. You play as Guardian of Light with his trusty Ghost. It’s your job to reach the Veil under Neomuna city before Calus does. Also, many missions and the story are tied to learning how to use Strand.
Not impressed! I did not like the story in Lightfall. I preferred Savathun’s more as it was better written. To make a long story short. You kill Calus and the ghost merges with the Traveler. The witness then uses The Traveler and your left scratching your head. It’s typical Destiny lol.
Destiny 2 Lightfall’s main selling point gameplay-wise is the new Strand sub-class ability. most of the story campaigns in Lightfall center around you working with Osiris to master Strand. Playing as a Titan Berserker I somewhat enjoyed at times using Strand abilities once I got the “hang” of it.
Strand grappling through the streets of Neomuna might be the highlight of the expansion. Using Frenzied Blade and Blade Fury decimates enemies like it’s none of your business. Only negative with gameplay is the typical sponge enemies. That final Calus bossfight solo was just eww.
Visuals or graphics never been Bungie’s thing in my opinion. Even on the Playstation 5 Destiny 2 Lightfall isn’t impressive to look at in regards to texture-work or tech in general. However, what I do like, like in all Destiny games is it’s art presentation. Neomuna is a beautiful yet sterile futuristic city beaming with metallic skyscrapers and neon lights.
Destiny always had amazing orchestral music and good voice acting. In regards to Lightfall I really liked Osiris and Rohan voice actors. Music was really good featuring epic action soundtracks when battles kicked in. I also liked Calus and The Witness’s voice interactions together.
Tips and Tricks
Let’s see. First things first is to complete the campaign so you can unlock Strand. Level up by doing Neomuna activities. I also used Lightfall’s strike to level up my gear score. To defeat Calus solo. stay using Strand grapple and take shots at Calus until your Super kicks in a few times over the battle which finishes him off. It takes time.
Final Verdict
I didn’t like Lightfall NEARLY as much as past expansions like The Taken king or The Witch Queen. $49.99 is way too much for Lightfall in my opinion. Presentation and gameplay were good. Story was not entertaining or interesting at all. Price way too damn high! If you want to watch gameplay videos of this check out Destiny 2 Lightfall Video Playlist – Jason not ChatGPT
Destiny 2 Lightfall: This is the expansion that lead me towards not enjoying Destiny 2. – Jason
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