Mode: Single-player video game
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Genres: Action-adventure game, Platform game, Third-person shooter
Platforms: Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, Playstation 4 and 5
Here you can watch 191 gameplay videos for Control in this video gallery playlist. Control is a mind-fuck game. Don’t take that as a negative it’s quite the positive. Remedy Entertainment are the developer, publisher and creators of one of my favorites Alan Wake and Quantum Break. I love dark, mind altering games and that’s what Control was pretty much.
In Control you play the role of Jesse Faden on a quest to discover the Board and Black Pyramid all the while becoming the director of the FBC. Gameplay consisted of floating while shooting para-psychic energy blasts shadow entities. Jesse power’s can almost do anything like block incoming projectiles, throw enemies through telekinesis etc.
The only segments I hated in the main game were sometimes I would get lost back tracking locations. When I think about it Control is sort of a Metroidvania game with it’s maps design. You don’t go forward to progress the story. Many times you backtrack to progress the story. There was also a hub area where you can relax and upgrade Jesse. If you haven’t played Control you better – Jason