Initial Release Date: April 3, 2019
Engine: Unreal Engine 3
Publisher: 2K Games
Developers: Gearbox Software, Turn Me Up Games Inc.
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows
Genres: Shooter Role-playing Adventure
Here you can view all of my Borderlands Game of the Year Edition gameplay videos in this gallery. I remember making these gameplay videos when I had a day or two of free time. I wanted to put at-least a few original Borderlands gameplay videos on my youtube channel.
I played and beaten the original Borderlands long before JVGS the brand existed. So, from time to time I go back and replay games pre-2012 Video Games Source Youtube Channel. Hence the below gameplay videos. When I originally played Borderlands it felt special. The adventure, the coop, the shooting of insane guns. Fun times.