Today I finished playing through AI: The Somnium Files nirvanA Initiative. I figured why not make a Tips & Tricks Guide since the game is fresh in my head. Before I forget read my AI: The Somnium Files nirvanA Initiative Review. Thank you! One of my most hated parts while playing through nirvanA Initiative was figuring out a puzzle’s codes. Hopefully I can save you some time with these tips and tricks.
- Do not rush dialogue sequences while inside a somnium or in general. I cannot tell you how many times I hit skip either by accident or by being impatient that I ended up missing a vital clue and having to start a somnium over. If you’re having problems unlocking mental locks just listen to Aiba and Tama slowly and clearly. They basically tell you what the next clue is.
- While playing Mizuki’s Expense of Spirit Mission you have to enter Chikara’s code into his computer. The Code is “ALMIGHTY”
3. During Ryuki Chapter 2 Go Mission you have to solve the worst puzzle in the game by basically guessing a Nonuple-X Rhombus Grid Symbol with Numbers: The code is “4901095” How was anybody suppose to guess the grid was “multiply vertically” What is this The Witness?
4. At the end of my Ryuki’s Playthrough a mysterious voice says “Dahlia Boat” during his ending cutscene. In Chapter 0 you have to type “I Know” and “Dahlia Boat” when Aiba visits Date’s Apartment. This is how you start Mizuki’s flowchart’s quest-line.
Well that’s all the tips and tricks I have for AI: The Somnium Files nirvanA Initiative. I hope they save you some time. Thanks for reading – Jason