Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Designers: Jeremy Craig, Scott Mercer, Michael Elliott
Developers: Blizzard Entertainment, Iron Galaxy
You can view all of my OG Overwatch gameplay videos in this playlist. I recently finished up writing a few articles for Overwatch 2 if you are interested. Check out Dominate with Junker Queen to learn how to win with the new tank. I’ve written a review for the player versus player aspect here Overwatch 2 PVP Review.
In 2016 playing Overwatch at launch shown me what Blizzard was capable of as far as first person multiplayer shooters go. At first, I didn’t like the so called “cartoony” characters but learned to evolve and enjoy their art style.
Overwatch became somewhat of a small addiction soon after launch as it became my go to multiplayer game whenever I had free time. I fell in love with Reinhardt as my main since I love tanks. Anyways, this is all mute since Overwatch 2 replaced Overwatch and is the better game not withstanding micro-transactions.